What to eat after a liver transplant? - Organ Transplant Blogs

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Saturday, 3 March 2018

What to eat after a liver transplant?

What to eat after a liver transplant?

The medical procedure through which an organ is taken from one body and placed in the body of another, as the organ of the person receiving it was damaged or missing, is known as organ transplantation. The person who gives the organ is called the donor and the person who receives the organ is called the recipient. The transplantation may occur in the same place or location by bringing the donor and recipient together under one roof or the organ from the donor can be transported from the donor’s location to the recipient’s location. Organs like kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, thymus, intestine and pancreas have been successfully transplanted by surgeons from one body to another.

These organ transplant surgeries can be very hectic and they can make the body quite weak after the surgery. The body also needs ample nutrients to accept the new organ and work with it. Liver transplants have become quite common nowadays. After the transplant of the liver, the patient has to properly adjust his or her diet to help keep the liver healthy and allow it to function properly; otherwise there will a gain of weight in the body of the patient. Maintain a healthy weight is also very important during this time as extra weight will increase the risk of infection, higher blood pressure and many other complications.

You need to consult a nutritionist, who will give you a proper meal plan which you will have to strictly follow to keep everything in order. Some of the recommendations which he might make include:
  • Each day you have to eat atleast five serving of vegetables and fruits.
  • Poultry, fish and lean meat has to be included in the diet.
  • Cereals, grains, whole-grain bread, etc. should be consumed.
  • Calcium should be kept in check by drinking low fat milk and eating low fat dairy products.

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